
In the beginning of 19th century, Natal was still a small village, divided in two main regions: the lower city (Cidade Baixa), close to the pier, concentrated the commerce; the higher city (today, Cidade Alta), on top of a hill, had the main church and the government office. Only in 1,922, in the government of Pedro Velho, did the city begin to modernize. The ancient atmosphere was maintained until 1,930, when urbanization started.

During World War II, Natal saw rapid changes in its lifestyle, when the airport was used to harbor a military basis.

With its large coast line, the State of Rio Grande do Norte is the backdrop of several deserted beaches, dotted by coconut trees; beaches with cliffs of multicolored sand and the famous dunes of Jenipabu.
The almost 300 days of sun per year will give you the dimension of this paradise where sun and wind contribute to move all along the coast the famous "jangadas" (wood rafts) that are the typical local fishing boasts.

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